Monday, December 3, 2007
I-pod Invasion
I am the kind of person who smiles at people I don't know and says 'hello' to friends as I go to class. It is amazing how many people have I-PODs or headphones on and don't even notice me. I smile and they walk by like zombies. What else are they missing around them while they are jammin' out to their tones? Are you a music zombie?

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I totally know what you mean! It's hard to make those random connections with people when they are blocked off from the world. Then people have the nerve to complain that they never meet new people - WELL TAKE OFF YOUR HEADPHONES! Look around! Smile and say hello! You never know when your new best friend or a soul mate or even a long lost cousin will show up right next to you. If you are hiding from the world, you won't have the chance to even find out.
for example I helped someone who had droped some books on a sidewalk and ended up having a wonderful conversation and it brighted both of our days... so we should all stop and enjoy the people around us and not hide behind non-important things. You really never know who you will inspire if you just take your ear plugs out!!!
I am defiantly guilty of being an I-pod zombie. But in my defense I use the brief period of time that it takes me to walk from one class to the next, to get away from the world for a little while and the chaoticness of my life, and just listen to my music. I need this little moment to myself to just relax and let all my problems disappear, even if it is just for a minute or two a day. Whenever I do this it just makes my day a whole lot better. I know that by doing this all the time, I am missing out on the world around me. So I will try to not be an I-pod zombie all the time. -Great post Liz-
Interesting topic! Many of my memories of walking to class involve people so bundled up in snow gear that you couldn't even really tell if they had an mp3 player on or not!
But personally I always walked while listening to my ipod. It made me walk faster! Although I don't think I was zombie-like. More like bopping my head as if 'oh yeah, you guys can all hear this too, right?'. :-p There were always a lot of people who stare at the ground while walking anyway too, regardless of headphones.
thanks for posting~
Yea I think that there are people who are unaware of their surroundings and are not listening to music. I should not only target one group of people. Plus you went to college in the Artic! so you have an excuse... :-D
Hope you are loving life and still bopping to your music :)
This is totally true! Ipods are such a common thing around campus, like cell phones, that you just dont really take notice to or make a big deal out of them. However, if you stop to think about it, it's so true that Ipods are invading our college campus (and probably colleges all over). I love music but I dont carry my Ipod with me to my classes or listen to it as i walk to classes. I think its kind of a shame that people are so into their Ipods that they are missing out on the world around them.
i think some people use their i-pod as a way of avoiding confrontation...i know personally when i have to go some where alone and don't want to look like i'm alone i take my i-pod: to the gym, to class, even in class....but i agree some people just stare at the ground and have their i-pods on - it's like they are blind and deaf....i wish people were more friendly and talkative:( what is happening to our generation?
I agree. People really need take off their head phones. It really bad when people walk through the lunch line with them on. The poor lunch ladies are trying to ask them what they want on their wraps and they have no idea what is going on. I have even seen some kids sit at a table to eat with their friends and keep their head phones on the whole time. That awful. Can listening to someone else talk really be that bad?...
If this keeps up, the next thing thats going happen is were are not going to talk directly to one another either, we are going to go home, sit at our computers and post to each others on blogs.......
I understand your concern for people to be conscious about the world around them, and I have no intention of killing any sort of sentimentalism, but I just want to add that for some people music is the only escape from the depressing or disappointing parts of reality. It is the lyrics of the artist that people are influenced by that keeps them going. I think the best way to approach the issue is from a neutral point of view, and more so adapt to the individuals. I agree some of the people need to be shaken a little to get them to notice other beautiful things, but there are also subtle, beautiful things that can exist hidden in what appears to be conformity.
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